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  • Writer's pictureHighscorejeffy

Where it all began.

Updated: Jun 6, 2018

My story of getting into gaming goes back a long, long way!

This whole passion of mine started when my aunt had purchased me an NES when she was overseas. I must have been about 5 years old at the time.

I was rocking an Atari 2600 and remembered it blowing my little mind. The toys went to the side and Beserk, Yars' Revenge and missile command consumed my naive little life. I seriously put ridiculous hours into those games.

Then that dark blue and black box with those big bolded white letters said (Nintendo) arrived. I was confused. I didn't like it. Who was this intruder taking the place of my Atari. Why are they pulling all the cables out of the television?!? "What was even going on?!

She told me this is going to blow that dusty old Atari out of the water! I seriously remember her saying that. I looked at the game box. "Mario Brothers, what is this childish nonsense?!" give me missiles and giant bugs!! This doesn't look fun at all!

All hooked up and ready to go. I sat down and watched them press the power button. A little red square illuminated red and the start menu came on.

It was like a nuclear explosion of colors and sound! I was floored! How!!?? How could this be possible?! The screen, it's moving when you walk to the right?! This is sorcery! This isn't possible!

Needless to say, I was hooked. This was literally the most incredible thing I had ever witnessed in my long five years of life. I can still remember that moment like it was yesterday.

Those awe moments came again and again throughout my childhood. Metal Gear solid 1 took story telling a scripted dialogue to a whole new level. Seeing Mario 64 in full 3D the first time! Ocarina of time with Hyrule field being bigger than anything I had ever seen.

In my mind then and even today. Nothing can achieve that kind of wonder and entertainment like Video Games. I can't thank the amazing creators enough for all of the amazing experiences that provided me then and still today. I honestly wouldn't be the person I am without them.

Video Games, there is seriously nothing else like them in the world.

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